Monday, November 17, 2008

I eat books for lunch.

Sometimes on my lunch break I'll go to the Borders by Madison Square Garden and browse. I do this for a multitude of reasons, but for about 2 weeks this summer I went there everyday and read. It all started when I found an empty plush chair on the side of the escalator (which doesn't happen very often). I sat down with a couple books I was looking at and started reading. In that 2 weeks I actually read a whole book. Is that considered stealing? The chairs are there, other people do it, nobody stopped me. I'm not really sure.

Another thing I love about Borders is the Seattle's Best Maple White Mocha. I swear, first God made the Earth, then he made maple white mocha. It's definitely sweet, but it tastes like fall in a tall coffee cup. Yum.

I don't know if most people have a Borders Rewards card, but if you shop there and don't, you definitely should. I get coupons in my email every week for a discount on books, music, or dvd's. It's a free program and another reason I love Borders.

Also, I must admit, I did not eat cereal for dinner last night. Instead, due to my horrible sore throat/sinus infection, I decided to eat ice cream. I realized that I rarely eat real food for dinner. It's usually cereal, or popcorn, or an apple, or ice cream, or something similar.


Cook Scrap Craft said...

I go to that Borders every morning and on occasion I go there during lunch to shop or read or write. We should so meet up there some time! And yes, I love my Borders rewards card!!!

Lindsey Cuddeback said...

@ Laurie: Yes we definitely should! :)